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for 140 languages by ALS

Welcome !

The world and countries people speak with more languages , more than 140 languages , andthe country that speakes with main languge , it is exist more languages differ from the main language at the same country.
Some people can learn more foreign languages , say 2 foreign languages or three or five or 10 different languages , but not the all world languages.
Then one simple codec new language will be useful at this field .
And this is my new invntion for all the world people.
it is simplified for special usages.
and easy to learn for all the world students.
Some lectures and some courses very easy.
and it is another new field that is dfferent from the other famous original international languages , because it is only some codes .
For more friendship and cooperation and understanding between all world people.
I give it a simplified name A.C.L ( Ashraf Codec Languag ) becaue it is only some codes.

At all the world the things are the same , the names are the same , the pronouns are nearly the same .
But , all differs for sounds and letters and writing shapes or words.
I will give the invention and idea as the first thing in the world for this purpose and the professional peple at the UN organization or any professional international organization can complete and improve for making a new project for helping all world people and adding new services.

starting today this project  and editing and printing new indexes and dictionaries for all world languages 
Adding one thing for all languages dictionaries :
[unique number for every word].
and i will give in details the sentenses constructions.
As example :
The word "GOD"  can take number [1] at all languages dictionaries and all different indexes and references.
It is a unique number.
as an example the word of pronoun "I" at english language , or "Ich" at german language ,or "io" at italian language , or "je" at french languag , or any other language , will have a unique number [2] asexample at all the dictionaries of all languages.
These are some examples and the details are coming soon.
Thank you.

16 - 12 - 2007

Sentenses :
Let code (a      for normal sentense at present
Let code (b      for normal sentense at past
Let code (c      for normal sentense at future
Let code (d      for command sentense to single person
Let code (e      for command sentense to group persons
Let code (f       for sentense connected to the next sentense with , IF
Let code (g      for sentense of question

These are examples only

Let code (aa   for verb , love
Let code (bb   for verb  , pray

These are only examples

Let code ( a    for  the pronoun  , I
Let code (c     for the pronoun  , You

These are examples

Then for all world people , easy to know
(a  a  aa  c         , or  simply
Means , I love you
Also ,  
(baaac    , Means , I loved You
all functions and positions to improve
The improvement is abblicable for easier symbols.
Thank you .

01 - 01 - 2008

This simplified symbols and sentenses and this A.C.L  only to use for special purposes , with very small words and symbols 
Say about only 500 codes and symbols.
to use at Tourism field 
andto understand all world people for 
the ordinary daily usages , like :
Good Morning , hello , happy new year , ......
at restaurant , at hotel , at shopping , streets guides , taxi , travelling ,........
And it is a different thing and not compared to any famous languages.
It is a simplified one to be easy known and understandable for all world people.
at middle or at north or east or west or south or at any place.
The main idea can have another methods and unique symbols.
And the professional can use ad improve to help all people to understand themselves and more friendship and cooperation.

Thank you.

01 - 01 - 2008

For acceptable sounds and speaking :
Let the letters , 
a , o , e , i , y , u    , to be used for separations
Then  :
the code of sentenses kind is ended with letter , a
and next code with , o , and next with , o
and next with , e , andany nex with , e
and any Name can be used with the same shape at any language without changes , 
but refering to that it is name.
then as example:
is equivalent to a very big sentence
with codes , b  c  kt  nk
and also the sound is acceptable
These are only examples
as you see it is verysimple for use
And can be used and also improving at any time fo more usefulness

Thank you.

01 - 01 - 2008

If every body in the world  keep only 27 codes at memory
and study or add another codes.
It is another simplified method
as example :

A       =       Good Morning
B       =       Good evening
C       =        Good night
D       =        How are you ?
E       =        I am fine , thank you
F        =        Thank you very much
G       =        where is the bath room
H       =        please help me for .....
I         =        i want to eat
J        =        welcome
K        =        what is your name ?
L        =         how much of this product 
M       =          Happy new year
and so on as some codes very simple for essential sentenses at any language.
It is only example
Very simple to know and study and to understand all world people .
It is a wide research and can be improved.
and it can help all people.

Thank you

01 - 01 - 2008

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